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Bill Strickland: a social architect

Paths cross for a reason.  People use that statement in multiple contexts.  For me, synchronicity is an everyday compulsion.  I ran into blank at the Sentient Bean, which connected me to blank.  So-and-so posted a great website at the same moment I happened to jump online which lead me to blank.  There was only one gluten free brownie left at Gallery Espresso, that means that I must eat it.

Anywho, I ran across Bill Strickland’s visionary programs in a Historic Preservation class that I took in the Spring of this year.  Then, bam, I remembered his talk and how completely relevant his work is to my project.  And another inspirational visionary is something I am needing RIGHT NOW.  Sooo once again, I reach to Ted Talks for a best practice of online media exchange.  Warning: he will move you and possibly pull a tear out of your eye, which is not a bad thing.  Click Here for the video.

A little bit of Bill’s bio from While moonlighting as an airline pilot, Strickland founded Manchester Bidwell, a world-class institute in his native Pittsburgh devoted to vocational instruction in partnership with big business — and, almost incidentally, home to a Grammy-winning record label and a world-class jazz performance series.

Also, here is a link to his personal website: